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Learn from the Best: How to Get Rich by Following Felix Dennis' Principles and Strategies

How to Get Rich Felix Dennis

If you want to learn how to get rich, you might want to listen to someone who has done it. Someone who started from nothing and became one of the wealthiest people in the world. Someone who knows the secrets of making money and keeping it. Someone like Felix Dennis.

how to get rich felix dennis


Who is Felix Dennis?

Felix Dennis was a British entrepreneur, publisher, poet, and philanthropist. He was the founder of Dennis Publishing, which produces magazines such as The Week, Maxim, and PC Pro. He was also the co-editor of Oz, a controversial underground magazine that was involved in a famous obscenity trial in 1971.

Dennis started his business career with no formal education, no capital, and no connections. He built his empire from scratch, using his creativity, charisma, and cunning. He was known for his flamboyant personality, his lavish lifestyle, and his generous donations to various causes. He died in 2014 at the age of 67, leaving behind an estimated fortune of $1 billion.

What is his book about?

In 2006, Dennis published a book called How to Get Rich: One of the World's Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets. In this book, he reveals his insights and advice on how to achieve financial success and independence. He covers topics such as motivation, mindset, strategy, lifestyle, and pitfalls. He also shares his personal stories and anecdotes from his own journey to wealth.

The book is not a typical self-help or business book. It is written in a witty, provocative, and honest style. It does not sugarcoat the reality or the challenges of getting rich. It does not promise any shortcuts or guarantees. It does not sell any products or services. It simply tells it like it is, from someone who has been there and done that.

Why should you read it?

You should read this book if you are serious about getting rich. Not just making a comfortable living, but becoming wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. Not just for yourself, but for your family, your friends, your community, and your legacy.

You should read this book if you are ready to face the truth about what it takes to get rich. Not just the skills and knowledge, but the attitude and behavior. Not just the opportunities and resources, but the sacrifices and trade-offs.

You should read this book if you are willing to learn from someone who has done it before. Not just from his successes and achievements, but from his failures and mistakes. Not just from his wisdom and guidance, but from his humor and humility.

The Main Principles of Getting Rich

The mindset of a millionaire

Be ambitious and ruthless

The first thing you need to get rich is ambition. You need to have a burning desire to make money and achieve your goals. You need to have a clear vision of what you want and why you want it. You need to have a passion for what you do and a hunger for more.

The second thing you need to get rich is ruthlessness. You need to have a competitive edge and a killer instinct. You need to have a willingness to do whatever it takes to win and beat the competition. You need to have a disregard for the opinions and feelings of others who might stand in your way.

Be willing to take risks and make mistakes

The third thing you need to get rich is risk-taking. You need to have a courage to venture into the unknown and face the uncertainty. You need to have a tolerance for failure and rejection. You need to have a resilience to bounce back from setbacks and learn from your mistakes.

Be persistent and resilient

The fourth thing you need to get rich is persistence. You need to have a determination to keep going and never give up. You need to have a discipline to work hard and smart. You need to have a patience to wait for the results and rewards.

The fifth thing you need to get rich is resilience. You need to have a flexibility to adapt and change. You need to have a positivity to overcome negativity and criticism. You need to have a gratitude to appreciate what you have and what you achieve.

The strategy of a millionaire

Find a profitable niche and dominate it

The first thing you need to do to get rich is to find a profitable niche. You need to identify a market that has a high demand and low supply. You need to find a problem that needs a solution, or a desire that needs a fulfillment. You need to find a gap that needs a bridge, or an opportunity that needs an exploitation.

The second thing you need to do to get rich is to dominate your niche. You need to create a product or service that is unique, valuable, and superior. You need to establish a brand that is recognizable, reputable, and trustworthy. You need to build a loyal customer base that is satisfied, loyal, and referable.

Create value and leverage it

The third thing you need to do to get rich is to create value. You need to provide something that people want, need, or love. You need to deliver something that solves a problem, satisfies a desire, or improves a situation. You need to offer something that adds quality, convenience, or enjoyment.

The fourth thing you need to do to get rich is to leverage your value. You need to multiply your income by scaling up your business, expanding your market, or diversifying your products or services. You need to reduce your expenses by optimizing your operations, outsourcing your tasks, or automating your processes. You need to increase your profits by maximizing your revenue, minimizing your costs, or optimizing your taxes.

Invest wisely and diversify your income

The fifth thing you need to do to get rich is to invest wisely. You need to use your money wisely by saving it, investing it, or spending it on assets that generate more money. You need to avoid wasting your money on liabilities that lose value, incur debt, or cost more money.

The sixth thing you need to do to get rich is diversify your income. You need to create multiple streams of income by investing in different assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, businesses, etc. You need to protect yourself from risks by spreading your money across different sectors, industries, markets, etc. You need to take advantage of opportunities by seizing new trends, technologies, innovations, etc.

The lifestyle of a millionaire

Spend less than you earn and save more than you spend

The first thing you need to adopt as a millionaire lifestyle is frugality. You need to live below your means by spending less than you earn. You need to save more than you spend by setting aside a portion of your income for savings, investments, or emergencies. You need to avoid living paycheck-to-paycheck by creating a budget, tracking your expenses, and cutting unnecessary costs.

Avoid debt and unnecessary expenses

The second thing you need to adopt as a millionaire lifestyle is debt avoidance. You need to avoid borrowing money for things that you don't really need or can't afford. You need to pay off any existing debt as soon as possible by prioritizing the ones with the highest interest rates or the lowest balances. You need to avoid paying interest or fees by paying your bills on time, using credit cards wisely, and negotiating better terms.

The third thing you need to adopt as a millionaire lifestyle is simplicity. You need to avoid spending money on things that don't really matter or add value to your life. You need Enjoy your wealth but don't let it consume you

The fourth thing you need to adopt as a millionaire lifestyle is balance. You need to enjoy your wealth but don't let it consume you. You need to use your money to enhance your life but not to define it. You need to spend your money on things that make you happy but not to impress others.

The fifth thing you need to adopt as a millionaire lifestyle is generosity. You need to share your wealth but don't let it corrupt you. You need to use your money to help others but not to control them. You need to give your money to causes that matter but not to expect anything in return.


In conclusion, getting rich is not easy but it is possible. You can learn how to get rich by following the principles and strategies of Felix Dennis, who was one of the world's greatest entrepreneurs and self-made billionaires. He wrote a book called How to Get Rich: One of the World's Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets, where he reveals his insights and advice on how to achieve financial success and independence.

If you want to get rich, you need to have the right mindset, strategy, and lifestyle. You need to be ambitious, ruthless, risk-taking, persistent, and resilient. You need to find a profitable niche and dominate it, create value and leverage it, invest wisely and diversify your income. You need to spend less than you earn and save more than you spend, avoid debt and unnecessary expenses, enjoy your wealth but don't let it consume you, and share your wealth but don't let it corrupt you.

Getting rich is not for everyone. It requires hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and luck. It also comes with challenges, risks, and responsibilities. It is not a guarantee of happiness or fulfillment. It is a choice that you have to make for yourself.


Here are some frequently asked questions about getting rich:

  • How long does it take to get rich?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on many factors, such as your starting point, your goals, your methods, your industry, your market, etc. Some people get rich faster than others, while some never get rich at all. However, according to Felix Dennis, it takes at least 10 years of hard work and smart decisions to become a millionaire.

  • What are the best ways to get rich?

There are many ways to get rich, but some are more effective than others. According to Felix Dennis, the best ways to get rich are: starting your own business, inventing something new or improving something existing, creating or acquiring intellectual property rights (such as patents or copyrights), or exploiting a natural resource (such as oil or gold).

  • What are the worst ways to get rich?

There are also many ways to get rich that are not recommended or ethical. According to Felix Dennis, the worst ways to get rich are: inheriting money from someone else (as it does not teach you how to earn or manage money), winning the lottery or gambling (as it is based on luck and not skill), stealing or cheating (as it is illegal and immoral), or marrying someone rich (as it is based on love and not merit).

  • What are the benefits of getting rich?

Getting rich can have many benefits for yourself and others. Some of the benefits of getting rich are: having more freedom and choices in life (such as where to live, what to do, etc.), having more security and comfort in life (such as being able to afford health care, education, etc.), having more opportunities and experiences in life (such as traveling, learning, etc.), having more influence and impact in life (such as being able to you, etc.), and having more happiness and fulfillment in life (such as being able to pursue your passions, hobbies, etc.).

  • What are the drawbacks of getting rich?

Getting rich can also have some drawbacks for yourself and others. Some of the drawbacks of getting rich are: having more stress and pressure in life (such as managing your money, dealing with competition, etc.), having more problems and challenges in life (such as lawsuits, taxes, etc.), having more enemies and critics in life (such as jealous people, haters, etc.), having more isolation and loneliness in life (such as losing friends, family, etc.), and having less meaning and purpose in life (such as feeling empty, bored, etc.).




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